Blog Archives

Stand Your Ground

If you love street photography…watch this

A great tune….for a Monday

Just another random musical post from You-Tube… this song.

Danny MacAskill – Inspired Bicycles

This is another one of those random “You Tube” posts……I stumbled across this video and have loved it ever since. What this lad can do with a two wheeler cycle is amazing, please watch and share.

Lucy’s Cycling Treasure Hunt…..this is so sweet

Sustrans is very excited to announce that finding a safe route to ride your bike is set to be easier than ever as cycling routes are made available on UK Google Maps for the first time.

In a ground-breaking move for cyclists and would-be cyclists, National Cycle Network routes across the UK can now be navigated online using a new bicycle symbol on Google Maps, alongside the options of driving, public transport and walking.

Cyclists can now plan their trips, make use of bike lanes, calculate cycle-friendly routes that avoid big hills and customise the map for cycling on smart phones and computers.

Music By Belle & Sebastian ‘Funny Little Frog’ (


Good Morning Wednesday…..lets make the world smile

I dont know how I missed this when it was first shown but I saw it posted on Facebook this morning. It really put a smile on my face.  So, here you go. If you are feeling “not quite 100%” this morning and want a smile on your face….watch this.

Please share, and make your world smile too

Surviving Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI - Survivors, Caregivers, Family, and Friends

Jon Eland

...and all round good egg

Living A Sporty Life With A Dodgy Ticker

At a young age of 15 I developed heart problems and was diagnosed with, irregular heart beat, palpitations and mitral valve prolapse. I try to live a sporty normal life, it doesn't always work out that way!


This site is the cat’s pajamas

A Stairway To Fashion

imagination is the key

ice cream magazines

................... for lovers of ice cream. Your free on line magazine for sweet frozen treats. Recipes, inspiration, artisanal ideas for your delectation.


This site is the cat’s pajamas

martin m photography blog

wedding photography, portraits, events, sport for more go to



this is... The Neighborhood

the Story within the Story

Should the BBC's coverage be Wimble -done?

My Wimbledon experience as an irritated viewer


New York, thy name's "Delirium"


To show the world my world and the world around me


Just another site


Ultra low-power lighting solutions

Flying Wisconsin

Sixty airports, sixty counties, four flights!