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Well that was a nice surprise for a Tuesday.


Well that was a nice surprise….

After finally coming round and managing to open my eyes my instinct is to look outside at the weather (don’t worry, this comes from getting up for far too many sunrises). The brightness blinded me; the sun glaring off the window took me by shock as I could have sworn I heard rain through the night. Ah yes, of course it’s nearly summer. What would the great british summer be like without rain? Answer: Summer. As normal I reached out for my iPad and began to download the morning paper and whilst in the progress of doing this numerous emails start firing in to my inbox. Just for a split second the notification bar across the top of the iPad catches my eye and the words ” Flickr Editorial”. Oh, that look interesting I thought….not one of my normal emails first thing in a morning. I usually get about 80-90 messages a day from Flickr stating that people have commented on one of my images or even that it has made the Flickr Explore page. This one was different; this one was a personal email from a proper email address not one that look like “mumbo jumbo” (e.g. … I am sure you get the picture.

The message read Flickr would like to feature your beautiful photo as a background image for the upcoming update to the worldwide”  They went on to say that they would like to ask permission to brighten, darken, crop and make minor edits to the shot but will be respectful to the original.

The image they selected was a row of coloured beach huts. It was taken last year on a day’s photographic trip to Whitby. The idea behind the image was to show compression and the separation of the different colours whilst holding continuity with the verticals and the door handles. Not an image I would have selected but then again it’s not my decision.

Well, that was a nice surprise…..

Now what did I do with 2012’s RAW files……let me think?

Surviving Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI - Survivors, Caregivers, Family, and Friends

Jon Eland

...and all round good egg

Living A Sporty Life With A Dodgy Ticker

At a young age of 15 I developed heart problems and was diagnosed with, irregular heart beat, palpitations and mitral valve prolapse. I try to live a sporty normal life, it doesn't always work out that way!


This site is the cat’s pajamas

A Stairway To Fashion

imagination is the key

ice cream magazines

................... for lovers of ice cream. Your free on line magazine for sweet frozen treats. Recipes, inspiration, artisanal ideas for your delectation.


This site is the cat’s pajamas

martin m photography blog

wedding photography, portraits, events, sport for more go to



this is... The Neighborhood

the Story within the Story

Should the BBC's coverage be Wimble -done?

My Wimbledon experience as an irritated viewer


New York, thy name's "Delirium"


To show the world my world and the world around me


Just another site


Ultra low-power lighting solutions

Flying Wisconsin

Sixty airports, sixty counties, four flights!